Tucson's Sustainable Homes and Buildings Photo of Straw bale Construction Photo of Back Yard of Home
Photo of Rammed Earth Home
sustainable construction techniques
tucson's sustainable homes and buildings
1998 tucson innovative home tour - October 17

Advances in sustainable design and construction are attracting professionals to Tucson from around the world to see the work being accomplished here. This site contains some of the techniques and their applications that are showcased during the October Tucson Innovative Home Tour.

This site includes from the following sources:

  • Tucson Innovative Home Tour Sourcebook 1998
    edited by Paul Huddy, Lisa Stage, and Vivian Swearingen
  • Tucson Innovative Home Tour Sourcebook 1997
    edited by Paul Huddy, Janice Moran, and Gale Prososki-Marsland

Tucson Innovative Home Tour
P.O. Box 57756 / Tucson, AZ 85732 / (520) 792-6423
Email: Paul Huddy pasha@azstarnet.com or Lisa Stage lstage@pobox.com
or Vivian Swearingen vswearingen@pimacc.pima.edu

This site is sponsored by the Tucson-Pima County Metropolitan Energy Commission.

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